Tips to Prayer and Reading Your Bible

    1.Plan ahead! Decide in advance to pray at a certain time. First thing in the morning, lunch or during the evening. It does not matter when, just plan in advance and make it a priority.
    2.Pick a location.
    Gather supplies in advance & pick a place that is quiet. Put your bible, journal, pen, glasses, tissue etc. in this location. You are less likely to get distracted if you do all this ahead of time.
    3.Make it a habit! Spend 3-5 minutes each day and increase this time gradually. Read some scriptures out loud, write down the verses, try wording them into a prayer. Determine to keep this appointment every day.
    4.Do not quit! Pray and ask God to help you build this habit. Habits take time to create, do not give up. Make it a goal to practice for at least one month. If you miss a day, it is ok! Just begin again and keep trying. God wants to spend time with you!

Listening Prayer

    Prayer is a two-sided conversation. Build a time of listening into your prayer life.
    • Plan to listen each day. Pray and ask God to help you listen.
    • Set a timer if your feel distracted. Start with 2-3 minutes in the beginning.
    • If you get distracted, try again.
    • Write down any impressions or thoughts.
    • Ask the Lord if this is what he is saying and be sure it agrees with scripture.
    Adoration-Worship and Praise that focuses on God’s character.
    Confession-Admitting to God specific sins and asking for forgiveness.
    Thanksgiving-Thanking God for answered prayers or blessings in your life.
    Supplication-Specifically asking God to intervene on behalf of someone or something.
Oswald Chambers
    Prayer is not merely preparation for the work.
    Prayer is the work!